Nejumps provides a robust addiction treatment marketing services package. The staff is proud to write some 300 columns a month dedicated to this space. We write for the top industry blogs and chat forums, let’s make you our next mention! We have the reputation as industry experts in the digital and drug treatment space. We know that social media interaction brings a lot of domain authority to our clients because of how deeply engrained these forums are in our addiction community.
Take a look at our partner page and see the companies we are proud to have worked with. Then let’s develop a good PR campaign for you! We have range of content we can create. We can create video related content like our VLOGGER community to a simple distribution of some granular infographics created in house. Although we specialize in addiction treatment marketing, Netjumps is confident we could make a seamless entry into any space.
A major factor for successful addiction treatment marketing is to increase the facilities reach. We network with over 200 colleges displaying, using and sharing the content we create. We harness the power to get your content distributed properly. For example, in August of 2015 we launched an article about ‘Drunkorexia’. The story came from a well established college also known as a party school. That one article was responsible for filling 111 beds total over a 3 month period!
We are a creative group that has been providing all forms of content to substance abuse and behavioral health facilities.
We have spent years gaining experience on creating successful content.
Let us help you generate your editorial calendar correctly or wireframe an engagement campaign for the next event.
- There is a range of content we can create. Our content writers have created white papers on what to expect when you enter a treatment center to building out a graphically creative schedule guide so individuals coming to treatment know what to expect in their day to day activities.
- We use cutting edge technology. We have a full green room and video editing department and in some cases have flown to shoot video all the way to Hawaii.
- We understand every aspect of the marketing process. As a full service branding experts and can build the content for 8 panel brochures all the way down to the folders you put your client welcome packets into.
- We have experience and know what works. Our team has designed the brand for over 50 facilities across the continental US and feel confident that we can handle yours.
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